
Gap Assessments
For retailers looking to develop an extended supply chain, knowing what the hurdles are is key to success. We can come along side you and evaluate your current position to help identify any gaps that you need to bridge to launch a successful program.
Infrastructure development
You've made the decision to invest in EF, now what? Or team can help develop the business infrastructure you need to be successful. This includes staffing and organizational recommendations, technology solutions sourcing and development as well as the process and tools to operate a successful extended supply-base.
Merchandise Planning
Building a roadmap for growing your assortment is a key component for capturing revenue and engaging your customer. We have pre-configured templates and planning tools your teams can leverage to get a leg up on the planning process and hit the ground running to make use of critical resources and stand a successful programs up quickly
Perhaps the biggest keystone to success in the extended supply base is building a network of great partners. From more than 19 years in the business our teams have developed rigorous onboarding engagement materials to ensure your network is built on strong, informed partners who put your customer at the center of their business.